Civil Law, Contracts, Uncategorized
In civil law, we talk about simulation when people simulate a legal situation that does not reflect reality. For example, people can agree to buy a building together, but as one of them has bad credit, only one of them will be the owner on the legal...
Civil Law, Contracts, Uncategorized
You plan on starting a business and you visit commercial buildings where you could set up shop. During a visit, you come across a place that is not ideal but that could work, and the price is good. The owner tells you that a potential tenant is strongly interested and...
Civil Law, Contracts, Uncategorized
With the imminent passage of Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act, many people are worried about the impact it will have. Cannabis in the Workplace Employers are concerned about the productivity and safety of their employees. Although cannabis becomes legal, it will still be...
Civil Law, Contracts, Uncategorized
You went into business with your best friend when you graduated from high school. School was not for you. You have invested all your savings. However, as your friend had more money to invest than you, it was decided that you have 40% of the shares and he, 60%. And...
Civil Law, Contracts, Uncategorized
You are playing around with your phone when suddenly you receive an email from a lawyer sending you a document that looks very serious and scary. The title is in capital letters: STATEMENT OF CLAIM. You read further and discover that the person who bought your old...